Conductor: Fritz Siler
Sunrise Summit at Huntcliff - Wed. February 5, 2025
(See additional directions at bottom of this page)
Cole Porter On Broadway - (LISTEN)
- Words and Music by Cole Porter
- Arranged by Warren Barker
The Music Man - (LISTEN)
- Music by Meredith Wilson
- Arranged by Alfred Reed
A Tribute To Kurt Weill - (LISTEN)
- Music by Kurt Weill
- Arranged by Jerry Brubaker
Someone To Watch Over Me - (LISTEN)
- Music and Lyrics by George Gershwin and Ira Gershwin
- Arranged by Warren Barker
Rodgers and Hart - (LISTEN)
- Music by Lorenz Hart and Richard Rodgers
- Arranged by Alfred Reed
But Not For Me - (LISTEN)
- Music and Lyrics by George Gershwin and Ira Gershwin
- Arranged by Warren Barker
It Had Better Be Tonight - (LISTEN)
- Music by Henry Mancini
- Arranged by Michael Brown
Directions and Parking:
Coming from South turn left at Hightower light, coming from North turn right. In about 100 feet
turn left into drive way, keep to right and turn left into first open garage door after passing the
FOB station.
Inside garage turn right and look for parking spaces which do not have names or apartment
numbers marked or are marked OPEN.
Take next available elevator to 6th
floor and go to Essex room.
Those who come via GA 400 take Northridge exit to Roswell Road, turn right and go to next
traffic light (Hightower) there turn left, those coming from North turn right at the second light after
crossing the river.
Garage door will be open from 1:45 to 2:30 PM.
If you feel lost call 404-697-8960.
Last edited: February 2, 2025.
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